The last accomplished project:
Social cognition in action
The project is financially supported by Youth in Action Programme, Activity 4.3 – Trainings of working adolescents and net working. The main goal of the project “Social cognition in action” is to form specific knowledge and skills into 30 young psychology students, representatives of different associations ,from 15 European countries, in order to help young people for overcoming the problems of social exclusion. The main activity of the project was the conduction of an European Summer School, based on the social cogniton. The lectureres were leadig professors and experts from Europe in the field of the social cognition.. They shared their experience and knowlwdge of combating poverty, social exclusion and helping people with fewer opportuiteis along with the participants of the project. Through the competence of the experts were trained 30 young psychologists how to use the knowledge of social cognition as a tool for support for the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, supporting the development of young poor people and overcoming the social isolation among youth in 15 countries.
Projects with the financial support of Youth in Action programme:
- Cross-cultural Bridges – youth exchange with partners from Czech Republic, Poland, and the Netherlands. The aim of the exchange was to develop skills for cross-cultural communication.
- Create your Universe - youth exchange with partners from Serbia, Macedonia and Turkey with the aim for developing skills for self-knowledge.
- Sexual diversity – make the difference, feel the difference – partnership in a youth exchange between the Netherlands, Germany and Bulgaria for overcoming the sexual prejudices.
Projects financially supported by the National Programme for Youth Activities:
- Together for a successful career – project for training students for career consultants in the city of Blagoevgrad
- “ Find your way” – project for a career consulting of pupils and youths without parents from the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia.
Partnerships in projects:
Project “Prevention of crime against children and adolescents: more knowledge more”
Project „Raise a child through the prison bars” – financially supported by programme DAPHNE of the EU
Partnership with Youth informational and consulting center – Sofia Center
Partnership in an annual festival for documentary films concerning the problems with the human rights “One World”
Partnership with the Bulgarian Psychologists’ Society for organizing national and international conferences of psychology
Partnership with South-West University – city of Blagoevgrad, for organizing international conferences for young psychologists.
AYPB “4th April” as a national organization is a part of the European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA)